Easily Maintain your Equipment
CHAMPS Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution includes a comprehensive Equipment Module. This module provides functionality that defines and tracks information related to all plant equipment requiring maintenance activities, costs, control and history to be documented.
The Equipment Module
The Equipment Module provides functions that enable a company to evaluate the success of its plant maintenance efforts, providing a core around which indicators and measurements can be gathered to assess maintenance performance. It provides a definitive method for analysis, review of past performance, and streamlining of future maintenance efforts. Additionally, it is intended to assist organizations in the design, procurement, and maintenance of its capital assets.
Features and Functions
• General nameplate data and detailed equipment information such as original purchasing and installation information, depreciation values, manufacturer’s identification, availability calendars, account reference and detailed location information
• User definable equipment specifications and templates used to track information like design, specification, process, safety, or other extended equipment information
• Define and track maintenance contracts including service contracts and warranty, rental, or other user-defined agreements
• View Work Order performance information including currently active Work Orders and standard Job Plans
• Analysis of detailed equipment asset date, user defined cost categories (such as Work Order type, and contract labor costs), down time reasons and statistics, etc.